Getting Started...

Getting Started Blog Post

Fear.  There I said it.  I have had the utmost fear about my first blog posting.  Why, you ask?  My short answer, it is easier to hide.  Easier to avoid than to be brave and courageous.  EASIER TO JUST NOT DO IT.  But is it really?

The Infamous Black Cloud

In my life, I have always referred to anything that I avoid doing as the black cloud that follows me around day and night.  Nudging at me to just do it…get it done…check that task off my favorite thing to do daily…my TO DO list.  This black cloud is often welcome to keep me company because, naturally, I love a good overcast day as much as any seasoned Phoenician.  However, sometimes we want to see the sun and have the empowering feeling of I did it! I dealt with my fear, came out of hiding, and simply started writing.

So, with that said, here I am.  I started my small business, JOYA Wellness Coaching, in July 2016.  I spent the past 6 months studying to be a Coach Training Alliance Certified Coach and am officially certified.  What does this mean?  I help people, women mostly, to find balance in their lives through the art of self care.  Again, what does this mean?  I partner with my clients to co-create what they want in their lives.  Most of us are struggling to find balance and fulfillment in our day to day lives.  We hide, avoid, and procrastinate until we are tired, fat, maybe even angry, and searching for a teensy bit of joy in our days.  I have been there.  As it’s so eloquently stated in my study material…. I am just a few steps ahead of my clients, carrying a big torch to light the way.

And there it is.  My first blog entry.  Short and maybe a little sweet. Before I go, I do believe there is a question left to be answered.

Is it EASIER to just not do it, to hide and avoid?  In this moment, right here and now, I will leave you with this answer that stems solely from my heart, no researching tonight.  It might be physically and mentally easier to just go to bed after a long day and save the creativity for another day, month, year or even another person to do…you get the message here.

However, it feels SO amazing to begin, to connect with myself and conquer a very big fear.  It feels easy.

Good night.  God Bless.
