Service Offerings

Holistic Life Coach Phoenix AZ - Dream Coach and Motivation Coach Arizona

Group and Team Coaching

A coach helps breathe life into your team’s intentions, transforming them into concrete goals and then providing you with the transformational tools and motivation you need to turn those goals into reality.

A DreamBuilder Coach offers dynamic coaching programs tailored to your team’s specific needs.

Example topics: breaking free from limiting beliefs, developing authentic confidence, using your current conditions as levers for achieving your goals and more!

Brave Thinking Transformational Coach - Amanda of Joya Wellness Coaching

One-On-One Coaching

The power of personal coaching lies in the fact that it provides an individual with the most critical ingredient for extraordinary, consistent success: ongoing support, detailed action plans, constructive feedback and, most importantly, high level perspective.

A coach is the catalyst that helps an individual to unstoppable personal achievement. Give your unique, brilliant potential the boost it deserves.

My coaching allows you and me to work together (one-on-one) through a highly effective and proven program that will support you in accelerating your results and achieving your goals.

DreamBuilder Vision Board Workshops - JOYA Wellness Coaching Workshops.jpg

vision workshop

Join me for an upcoming free virtual vision workshop!

Interested in scheduling a Virtual Vision Workshop for your team, organization or women’s group? Reach out to start the conversation!


If this life work resonates with you, I would invite you to schedule your complimentary strategy session.



join joya

Stay up-to-date on upcoming workshops, opportunities and more.